2. ZigBee Sniffer for Network and Protocol Analysis
ZigBee is the leading standard for smart energy networks, home automation, sensor
networks, health care, and many other exciting applications. ZigBee RF4CE is dedicated
for remote controls and other consumer electronics applications.
The variety of players in this evolving arena - combined with the assortment of
features and options proposed by the standard - can turn the development, debugging,
and rollout of ZigBee solutions under demanding time-to-market constraints, into
a big challenge.
Overcoming this challenge, Perytons™ ZigBee sniffer is an indispensable tool for
development, integration, installation, monitoring, and troubleshooting systems
and products based on the ZigBee protocol. Perytons™ Protocol Analyzers combine
full coverage of the 2.4Ghz and Sub Ghz bands with a rich and user-friendly analysis
toolset. Our analyzers are the only ones in the market today that support multi-antenna
operation with accurate inter-channel synchronization.
3. Perytons™ Software Development Kit Add-On
The Peryton-SDK (Software Development Kit) Add-On allows the user to add his own
protocol and application layers on top of any of the protocol layers supported by
the basic Perytons™ Protocol Analyzer models. This Add-On can run on top of any
of the Perytons™ Protocol Analyzer models. When using the Peryton-SDK Add-On, the
user can add his protocol layers, fields, their possible values and meaning, hints,
and error criteria, to the analyzer.
Companies with proprietary protocols or applications running on top of the 802.15.4(a),
ZigBee, ONE-NET, or PLC protocols can have a single professional tool to analyze
all their protocol layers, making the development, QA and especially post-sale support
- much easier.